Resilience Training Academy

If you have questions or our below sessions don’t fit your criteria email us and let us know what you’re looking for:

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Offered to: Student-Athletes, Teams, Coaches & Adults

The full academy includes: 4 workshops, meeting once a week. (Each session leads into the next).


Grades: TBD

Dates: TBD

Time: TBD

Group Workshop: $89.00 Per Person

More information below.

What You’ll Get

  • 4 weeks of LIVE instruction with Missy and/or Colleen via ZOOM

  • Weekly Resilience & Grit Training and Techniques to Help You Persevere Through Any Obstacle or Setback

  • Harvest the Capacity to Confront Our Fears and Build Confidence

  • Well-Being Practices Focused on Fostering The Benefits of Being Present, Focused & Grateful

  • Interactive Group Activities to Applying Resilience and Grit Practices

  • Opportunity for Participants to Showcase Their Learnings


    Once a Week - Zoom Workshop will be held from (2 hour time slot)

    We will begin promptly at (TBD). Students will be asked to sign in 5 minutes before the start

    Zoom Links, Assignments & Materials will be sent via email

    Each session will consist of mini-lessons, storytelling, group discussion, self-reflection, and assignment review


    There will be no time for daydreaming, we will be DAY-DOING!

    Get ready to engage, GET GRITTY and have FUN!

    Read below to learn more

  • Add-Ons:

    • Additional Individual Sessions With Instructor Following Academy - 50 minute - $75.00

      Email for this add-on.

    • PRIVATE WORKSHOP - Go through the Resilience and Grit Training Academy solo - $150.00

      Email us for this request. Read more below.


We’re excited you’ll be joining us for a BTGA Resilience Academy! Our virtual academy is designed to teach you to Think BEYOND The Game, focusing on resilience, mindset and well-being practices to lock-in your learning and personal development. To ensure you are set up for success, please carefully review the information on this page. This page will be updated with any additional details you need for your session at least two days prior to the start date. You will also get an email of all you need to know beforehand.


Digital Device
Throughout the academy, students will need to sign into our weekly ZOOM workshops. Any internet device can work, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers. We do recommend laptops or desktops so all the functions of zoom are available to the student however this is not mandatory. A solid connection to Wifi is necessary to use ZOOM.

The Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the start of the Academy. Please make sure you have zoom downloaded on your digital device prior to the academy by going to

**The Zoom link will only work for YOU specifically and shall not be shared. Sharing of the link will terminate your registration immediately with no refund.

Notepad and Pen
The teaching instruction at BTGA is second to none. To maximize retention of the material, we encourage participants to actively take notes and to review them frequently. 

Dedicated Learning Area
Please ensure you have a comfortable & QUIET environment, free from distraction for your ZOOM sessions. You will need to FOCUS, THINK, DISCUSS, and SHARE your ideas and experiences so it is critical you are in a safe and in a non-distracting environment to do so.


Students will be given assignments to complete following each workshop session. In order for students to be able to take full advantage of this workshop, these assignments should be completed on time and to the best of their ability. We may ask for some assignments to be emailed to us by a specific date while others we will review during the following workshop. We ask for parents to allow students to complete assignments on their own without your influence or input. This helps in answers being authentic and allows for a deep dive into personal resilience reflection.


We will need each student to complete 3 evaluations by taking part in this workshop. One at the beginning prior to our first workshop session giving us an idea of their resilience level and experiences, one after the fourth week following our final full workshop session, and the last one taking place 4 weeks after finishing our academy. This final evaluation will be a check-in evaluation to see how each student is doing in resilience & Grit. These evaluations are CRITICAL to our success at the BTGA so we HIGHLY encourage all participants to complete these honestly without rushing. The data collected in these evals will be used by BTGA ONLY to improve our academy and will be kept confidential.

IMPORTANT! Please Read:

The BTGA facilitators are not mental or physical health professionals. The zoom workshops/calls are not a replacement for medical, psychological, psychiatric treatment or other treatment. The Beyond the Game facilitators will use skills and a process designed to support your child. If your child is experiencing mental health issues, neurological issues, addictions, eating disorders, or suicidal thoughts you should seek the assistance of appropriate health care professionals and not the services of the Beyond the Game Academy facilitators. If your child is feeling psychologically stressed to the point that it is interfering with their ability to function, please seek the help from your doctor or a professional counsellor. 

LEt’s start THIS JOURNEY together!

Please email if you have further questions.

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Are you more comfortable doing a workshop solo. No problem, we’ve got you covered!

Please email to set up appointment dates & times prior to registration.

Cost: $150.00